Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Project Responses from Ketu

So we finally got responses to our proposals from Ketu last week (via an email from Dr. Cain). He really didn't have a lot to say or change with my project which is something of a relief. While I was open to opinions and suggestions, I was kind of afraid he would hate my idea or want me to make radical changes. He really just highlighted a few things I assume he saw as the key points (my research on Afrikan storytelling, my collecting of Afrikan stories, and my sharing these stories with the group to inspire their own creative writing efforts). He then made a comment at the end that maybe I could try and find stories that focus on maintaining group unity and use that as a theme for the kids lesson. I really like this idea and will have to see what I can find along those lines. So, I think that means that I have a pretty definite idea of what I need to do (and I need to get doing it). Our project contracts are due this Thursday to Dr. Cain, and once that is approved and signed I will post the important parts here on the blog.

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