Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Final Contract

So, my contract for the project has been approved and signed and as promised here are the important parts.

The documents I plan to produce are 1) an informational document about West African storytelling that will be a minimum of 1500 words in length, 2) a collection of stories that will be comprised of at least 4 stories [I don’t know at this point what the typical length of a story is], 3) a lesson plan [1-2 pages in length] to share my findings with the kids of TRJE and lead them in their own writings, 4) the collected and typed writings that the kids of TRJE produce in response to the lesson. The form I plan for my project to take is that of a blog that can be linked to TRJE’s website. I will put the informational document, the collection of stories, and (if possible) the kids’ writings on the blog. The lesson plan will just be turned in as a paper document to show how we progressed from the research to the writings. If I cannot put the kids’ writings on the blog, I will just type them and bind them in a notebook or scrapbook to be given to TRJE. My project will be made public within the TRJE community, within the classroom when I share my project, and in the internet community in the form of the blog.

Dr. Cain has also asked that I put my own experiences into the blog, so that will be included as well. I plan for that to also be about 1,000 words (if approved at that).

I know it may seem like I've repeated myself somewhat in describing the project here on the blog, but laying it out really helps me to visualize and plan. After all, part of the purpose of the blog is to journal the progress of the project. Sorry if any of you are bored with me!

1 comment:

Dennis J. Junk said...

Not a bad idea to discuss your project in detail on the blog. And here I've been trying to come up with random stuff like a sucker! Oh, and I think the K in Afrika comes from the Dutch spelling. But you'd think that would be more prevalent in South Afrik/ca. Who knows?