Friday, October 17, 2008
Blog Closed
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Project Update
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Project Update
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Video Links
Project Update
This week has been a busy one for my project. It seems like I have done almost nothing else! But, I guess you’ll have that when the semester begins to draw to a close. Anyway, here’s what’s been happening. I never heard back from my librarian contact at the ACPL. I considered calling her again, but as time is running short I decided that a meeting at this point wasn’t really a viable option. I wish I could have gotten the details of my project nailed down sooner so that I would have had more time for that sort of thing. I also got no response from my contact at IPFW’s TV station, but fortunately Dr. Cain had better luck. My griot video should be on its way. I would, again, like to have gotten this sooner, but I have to work within the schedules of others too. It would have been nice to have been able to show some of the video to the kids of TRJE this Saturday when I teach the class, but I don’t know how practical that would have been anyway. I know some of them saw the actual performance, but not all. At least I will get to see the video to get a better understanding of what a griot performance looks like. This week I have been concentrating on my research into griots and storytelling, and it has been very interesting. I have found a lot. I fact, I have way more than I can fit into my planned 1,500 word essay/paper. It may end up being a little longer than that. Still, I don’t want to make it so long that it turns off the internet viewers that I am targeting. Also, as far as the internet thing is going, I think I would like to make more of an actual website than a blog. I think this would fit my format better. I’ll have to talk to Dr. Cain before making my decision as my proposal says “blog” specifically. Our stipulations in RM are much more loose so that shouldn’t be a problem. Now that the main research is done, I’m concentrating on finding good examples of stories and getting my lesson plan in place for Saturday. So far only one of my books of stories has come in at the library so I’m kind of waiting on that. I’m also looking on line and have found some. It’s hard to find ones that seem reliably authentic, come from West Africa specifically, and have themes that I think might be relevant to the kids of TRJE. Ketu wanted me to find stories about community, so I am trying to find at least one good one for my lesson with that theme. I am also a little worried about legal issues with putting a few stories on my site. I would like to place them there in full text, but if they come from a published book this may be a problem. The one book that I have in hand has a full copyright on the text, though I find this questionable since it is openly distilled from an oral tradition and taken from a longer published work. I won’t get into that right now. Maybe I will have to settle with links to online texts on my site. I’ll see what the profs think on that issue. I may be able to get away with putting the full text of stories on the site if they come from other websites that have them published in full in a not for profit setting. Again, I need a more expert opinion on the matter. Until then I will worry about getting my lesson for Saturday finished. That in itself is nerve wracking enough. I’ll lkeep you posted.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Final Contract
The documents I plan to produce are 1) an informational document about West African storytelling that will be a minimum of 1500 words in length, 2) a collection of stories that will be comprised of at least 4 stories [I don’t know at this point what the typical length of a story is], 3) a lesson plan [1-2 pages in length] to share my findings with the kids of TRJE and lead them in their own writings, 4) the collected and typed writings that the kids of TRJE produce in response to the lesson. The form I plan for my project to take is that of a blog that can be linked to TRJE’s website. I will put the informational document, the collection of stories, and (if possible) the kids’ writings on the blog. The lesson plan will just be turned in as a paper document to show how we progressed from the research to the writings. If I cannot put the kids’ writings on the blog, I will just type them and bind them in a notebook or scrapbook to be given to TRJE. My project will be made public within the TRJE community, within the classroom when I share my project, and in the internet community in the form of the blog.
Dr. Cain has also asked that I put my own experiences into the blog, so that will be included as well. I plan for that to also be about 1,000 words (if approved at that).
I know it may seem like I've repeated myself somewhat in describing the project here on the blog, but laying it out really helps me to visualize and plan. After all, part of the purpose of the blog is to journal the progress of the project. Sorry if any of you are bored with me!
Project Update
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Africa vs. Afrika
Project Update
This week I had planned to spend time with TRJE during their Saturday rehearsal, but was unable to due to (suffice it to say) unexpected circumstances. The project is, however, finally getting off of the ground. Now that I have heard from Ketu, my first draft of my contract is turned in though not finalized (I still plan to post part of it once it is), and an abstract of our projects are due in RM; I feel like I am getting somewhere. Not that just spending time with TRJE isn’t getting somewhere, but research is more tangible and getting to it makes me feel less panicked. The plan is for me to get enough of my research done that I can lead a lesson with the kids of TRJE in two Saturdays , the 5th of April (incidentally, my puppy will be a year old that day). Dr. Cain will be out of town that Saturday so I guess the class is mine (though at least some of the other C&C students will be there so I won’t be completely alone). Kind of scary, huh? I’ve taught Junior Achievement a couple of times but never my own lesson plan. So, anyway, the plan is to share some of what I’ve found about West Afrikan storytelling with them and lead them in creating works of their own that are somehow related. As of this point I’m not sure how they will be related, maybe a similar theme to those I find in some West Afrikan stories? As I think I said before, Ketu recommended looking specifically for stories about community and cohesion, so that may end up being the theme of the writing exercise. Then hopefully I can type up the kids’ work and have them revise it once before it is incorporated into the project. I will just have to see how that fits into the TRJE schedule. They usually have a full agenda of their own and the semester is quickly coming to an end. Dr. Cain did say something in class last time about creating a blog (or something similar) on which to publish the projects of the students working with TRJE this semester. She also said that mine may be separate which would fit well with my plan to create a blog/site with my research and the kids’ writings in response. Again, those details are yet to be ironed out. Still, enough seems concrete now to make me feel like things are really coming together. I just wish I hadn’t had to miss so much time with TRJE over break and now this past weekend.
As far as the research itself goes, I’m working on finding sources of information. I emailed Ketu on Monday for advice and got a response right away. He recommended a particular children’s’ librarian at the Allen County Public Library who he said would be able to give my research some guidance. Since time is somewhat short I had hoped to contact her by email and decided to look for contact information on the ACPL’s website. What I found was an “Ask a Librarian” link which lets you email a question about whatever information you are looking for to the library staff in general. I decided to try it and sent a short email describing what my research was about and asking where would be a good starting place and what authorities were respected on the subject. Though the email is by default addressed to whatever librarian is assigned to answer the question, I mentioned that Ketu had referred me to a particular one in my email. I was surprised to find that when I checked my email tonight I had already gotten a response from a librarian at the reference desk saying that my email had been forwarded to this children’s librarian and that I could expect an answer soon. I was very impressed with this service and would recommend it to anyone needing a librarian’s research expertise (in fact, here is a link to it So, now I am just waiting for an answer and playing around with some IU cat and EBSCO searches. Hopefully my research continues to go this smoothly. I’ll keep you updated.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Project Responses from Ketu
TRJE week #4
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Project Update
Thursday, February 28, 2008
TRJE week #3
Project Update
Thursday, February 21, 2008
TRJE week #2
Project Update
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I really enjoyed this check-in circle time, and it allowed me to see right away how comfortable the group is with one another. While there was a certain order to the proceedings, it wasn't too orderly, and the kids acted like kids fidgeting and moving around comfortably. They were also really comfortable sharing not only their successes with each other, but their problems too. I thought it was really neat that the girl who is struggling in French felt that she could bring her problem to the group and ask for help. Her problem was handled with an immediate suggestion that she attend a couple of weekly meetings of a French speaking group and report back. Another interesting thing I noticed was a somewhat scraggly spider plant growing in a pot inside a straw hat that was placed in the center of the circle. I did not ask what the plant was about, but I plan to this week.
Once we had left the circle in the dance studio room and arranged ourselves in another room we had introductions again. Then we began writing. We guests wrote along with the students. The topic for the day was African Americans who have made a positive impact on the African American community (this was the chosen theme since February is Black History Month). We began by all thinking of an African American who we thought has had a positive impact. We shared these verbally and then were instructed to come up with a list of traits or qualities of a person who has a positive impact on the African American community. These traits could be those of our chosen person or anyone who fit the bill. After also sharing these, we were instructed to pretend that it was 30 years in the future and we were writing to share the impact some person (again our chosen person, another or a fictional person) had made on the African American community. These could be in any form we chose and could be partly or completely fictional. I chose to write mine in the form of a daily newspaper article. One girl wrote a beautiful poem that she read to the group. The rest of the kids writings were handed into Dr. Cain to be revisited next time. The final goal is to come up with finished works that can be read to the check-in circle.
I am really glad that I have chosen to work with this creative writing group. It is amazing some of the insights that the kids came up with during our writing and discussion. It is unusual to see high school and younger kids not only thinking about things on such a real and deep level, but also feeling comfortable sharing their thoughts with a group of their peers. This is just another example of how this group holds together. Also, I can already see that the kids have real talent. I was told that the girl who wrote the poem also writes song lyrics. That's something I could never do! I think it is going to be very interesting and a lot of fun to work with this group of kids.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Mardi Gras AKA Fat Tuesday

The big thing at Mardi Gras New Orleans style is the hurricane, so if you want to honor the holiday and have a drink in celebration, here is a recipe:
1 oz wt. rum
1 oz Jamaican dark rum
1 oz Bacardi 151 rum
3 oz orange juice
3 oz unsweetened pineapple juice
1/2 oz grenadine syrup
crushed ice
Mix all but ice and pour in glass over crushed ice, garnish with fruit
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
West Africa
West Africa is comprised of the westernmost lobe of Africa and (according to the U.N.) includes some 5 million square kilometers. It includes the countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’lvoire, Cape Verde, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo. The region defined by the U.N. also includes the island of Saint Helena which is a British territory. All of these except Mauritania and Saint Helena are part of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). It is approximately one fifth of the African continent. While all of the states of West Africa have been independent since the year 1974, the region has a long history of European control/colonization. From about the beginning of the twentieth century until after World War II the region was controlled by the French and the British. While this undoubtedly left a mark on the region, it also has its own distinctive culture and traditions. This is some of what I would like to research and will come back to in later postings. For now, here is a map showing the region of West Africa.
OK, since as I said before, the purpose of this blog is mostly to journal the progress of my (hopefully) integrated projects for both my Research Methods (RM) and Creativity and Community (C&C) classes, I thought I would go ahead and draw up a rough proposal explaining what I would like to do. As those of you in C&C know, we have the option of doing a service learning project in which we can spend time with the Three Rivers Jenbe Ensemble group who perform traditional West African music and dance. (For those of you in RM the group is made up of students from 7 to 17. Take a look for more information.) I would like to take this service learning option and participate in and work with Dr. Cain in the creative writing class she teaches to the kids in the group. For my research project for RM I was thinking of researching traditional West African literature/storytelling and possibly going as far as to compile some kind of collection of these types of works. I thought it would then be fun to share what I find with the kids in the group and possibly lead them in creating their own stories in West African tradition. As C&C requires that our project be somehow made part of a public forum, I thought I could possible create some kind of web page with the information I find and also the stories I and/or the students write and then link it to the Ensemble’s web site. I know that this proposal is far from detailed or complete, but it is at least the start of an idea. It of course will require the approval of both Dr. Cain and Dr. Amidon, and will change and grow based on their suggestions/ideas. Also, as I said before, I will do my very best to make this blog interesting and informative to both classes. I know that many of the blogs for C&C (as there are no guidelines beyond a minimum number of words posted per week)may be on topics more interesting than my research, I hope that the experiences I have with the ensemble and my findings about West African stories will be enough to keep everyone at least somewhat interested! If anyone in either class has any questions or comments to make I would be glad to hear them. That’s all for now.